SWEEPING DEATH E.P. Review: “Tristesse”

E.P. Review by Iron Mathew


Sweeping Death are a progressive metal band from Germany formed in 2012, releasing their debut E.P. ‘Astoria’ in 2017, followed by their debut full length album ‘In Lucid’ in 2018. Over the next two years, the band toured across Europe, supporting bands such as Skull Fist, Striker, Loudness, and Tankard.

Sweeping Death mix traditional heavy metal with thrash and death metal traits, resulting in a heavy hitting blend that appeals to a wide array of fans. The bands new E.P. contains three songs over an incredible twenty minutes!

Opening with the heavy hitting ‘The World As Will’, Sweeping Death launch the new E.P. in a flourish of fiery riffs, adopting the traditional mid tempo pace you’d expect from the progressive nature of metal. ‘The World As Will’ chimes in at over seven minutes in length, and features tempo and pace changes galore. At just five minutes ‘Alter The Drift’ is the shortest song on offer, bringing a mellower mood to the E.P…

…only for half a minute though – as pace and power thunder into sight and we’re off and galloping. ‘Alter The Drift’ is a classic sounding “foot on the monitor” romp, all infectious and head bangingly addictive. The third and final song ‘Sublime Me’, is the longest on offer at seven and a half minutes, and is a myriad of styles. The atmosphere is tension and menace filled, the heaviness is a hundred wrecking balls all striking at once – yet the infectious level is off the scale.

Overall, a very good meander through the progressive metal genre, with snippets of the classic sound of traditional heavy metal sewn in.


The World As Will
Alter The Rift
Sublime Me


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