Tagged: barrel

BARREL E.P. Review: “Unanticipated Confessions Of Love”

BARREL“Unanticipated Confessions Of Love”E.P. Review by Iron Mathew 8/10 Barrel are a metal band from Finland featuring Valtteri (vocals), Janne (guitar), Vellu (bass), Honkku (drums), and Joonas (guitar). The bands debut E.P. ‘Bullet With Your Name’, was released in 2022,...
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BARREL E.P. Review: “Bullet With Your Name”

BARREL“Bullet With Your Name”E.P. Review by Iron Mathew 8/10 Barrel are a four piece metal band from Finland featuring Valtteri (vocals), Janne (guitar), Vellu (bass), and Honkku (drums). The bands debut release is the three song E.P. ‘Bullet With Your...
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