Tagged: blade

BLADE Album Review: “Joker And Clowns”

BLADE“Joker And Clowns”Album Review by Iron Mathew 9/10 Blade are a hard rock band from Finland formed in 2020 releasing their debut album ‘Joker And Clowns’ in 2023. If you like your rock dynamic with stadium anthems simply made for...
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Mick speaks with Daniel from Ages

Catch our very own Mick ‘The Beard’s Interview with Daniel from the Swedish Black Metal band, Ages

Review of BRIAN SLAGEL ‘For the Sake of Heaviness: The History of Metal Blade Records’

BRIAN SLAGEL with Mark Eglington “FOR THE SAKE OF HEAVINESS: The History of Metal Blade Records” Book Review by Mike Hackenschmidt                                                                                        9.5/10   Brian Slagel is the founder and CEO of Metal Blade Records. For the Sake of Heaviness...
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