HITTEN“While Passion LastsAlbum Review by Iron Mathew 9/10 Hitten are a heavy metal band from Spain formed in 2011 releasing their debut E.P. ‘Shake The World’ in 2012. And to date, the band have released five full length albums –...
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HITTEN“While Passion LastsAlbum Review by Iron Mathew 9/10 Hitten are a heavy metal band from Spain formed in 2011 releasing their debut E.P. ‘Shake The World’ in 2012. And to date, the band have released five full length albums –...
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HITTEN “TWIST OF FATE” Album Review by Piers Penfree 9/10 Formed in the South East Spanish city of Murcia, near Alicante, in 2011, Hitten play trad metal that fans of metal’s 80’s heyday will love. Even their logo and album...
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