Tagged: Steamhammer

RUNNING WILD E.P. Review: “Crossing The Blades”

RUNNING WILD“CROSSING THE BLADES”E.P. Review by Iron Mathew 8.5/10 Running Wild are a heavy, power metal band from Germany forming in 1979 releasing their first full length studio album in 1984. Running Wild set a standard for European power metal...
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SODOM E.P. Review: “Out Of The Frontline Trench”

SODOM“OUT OF THE FRONTLINE TRENCH”E.P. Review by Iron Mathew 8/10 Sodom are a thrash metal band from Germany formed in 1981 releasing an E.P. in 1984 and their first full length album in 1986. Along with their countrymen Destruction, Kreator,...
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