Tagged: warcall

WARCALL E.P. Review: “Dead End Pt.2”

WARCALL“Dead End Pt.2”E.P. Review by Piers Renfree 8/10 As you may recall, being regular readers of Metal Gods TV, thrash metallers. WarCall hail from Montreal, Québec in Canada and have been playing live since 2008. The band, which currently consists...
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WARCALL E.P. Review: “Dead End Pt. 1”

WARCALL“Dead End Pt. 1”E.P. Review by Piers Renfree 8/10 Montreal, Québec, Canada; to wrestling fans it is the city where the infamous “screwjob” took place at Survivor Series in November 1997 (when the owner of the then WWF, now WWE,...
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