TAILGUNNER Album Review: “Guns For Hire”

“Guns For Hire”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Tailgunner are a heavy metal band from the UK formed in 2019, releasing their debut E.P. ‘Crashdive’ in 2022, and full length debut album ‘Guns For Hire’ in 2023.

Over forty years ago, bands such as Angel Witch, Diamond Head, Girlschool, Grim Reaper, Iron Maiden, Raven, Samson, Saxon and Tygers Of Pan Tang, evolved British heavy metal into the most potent force on the planet – these bands taking over the world with an infectious, melodic sound with tonnes of energy and head bang ability. Fast forward a few decades, and a new generation of bands are taking up the fight to keep British heavy metal, as potent a force as it has always been – bands such as Eliminator, Neuronspoiler, Amulet, Absolva, Seven Sisters, Battle Born, and of course Tailgunner. These bands are hell-bent on maintaining the UK’s position at the forefront of the worldwide metal scene – and oh boy what a terrific job they’re doing! Especially Tailgunner, the newest band of the bunch – just four years old with only one release behind them! And now a second – the bands debut full length album ‘Guns For Hire’…

…featuring five new songs alongside the five from their 2022 E.P. Tailgunner describe themselves as “Laser Guided Riffs N’ Hooks That Kill” and “we’re fast, loud, catchy as hell, and we’ll take your face off”. Pretty big words from such a young band, but on the evidence of what’s on offer here, they’re fucking spot on! For the album is a breath taking fifty minutes of traditional “foot on the monitor” heavy metal – the pace and power simply incredible! The five-piece outfit – vocalist Craig Cairns (Induction), drummer Sam Caldwell, bassist Thomas Hewson, and guitarists Zach Salvini and Patrick van der Vollering – are in sensational form, the album exploding into life with the traditional metaller ‘Shadows Of War’. Quickly into their stride, the band plant their feet firmly on the monitors, the sound of the legendary NWOBHM rising high in the air. So raise your fists high and salute a cracking slice of old school heavy metal.

And without pausing for a breath, the band increase the pace dramatically for the infectious head banger (and title song) ‘Guns For Hire’ – scorching the Earth to leave only desolation in its wake. ‘Guns For Hire’ (the song) is one of those jaw dropping wow moments, encouraging you to stop what ever it is you’re doing, stand up, raise your fists, and head bang like it’s the end of the world! What a glorious gallop of traditional heavy metal – as is ‘White Death’, another high velocity head banger to get the blood flowing and adrenaline pumping. The speed is incredible, the infectious level off the fucking charts, Tailgunner proving without a shadow of a doubt that traditional heavy metal is not dead. No fucking way!

Storming on, Tailgunner increase the melodious intent to a much higher level than it’s been so far – ‘Revolution Scream’ a barnstorming foot on the monitor romp of highly head bang-able heavy metal. The band are full of red hot energy, all topped off with a desire and passion to deliver a brand of metal that’s steeped in history with a forty year legacy – thanks largely to legendary bands Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Helloween. What’s not to say Tailgunner won’t be one of metals leading lights for the next forty years! And without lifting their foot off the pedal, the band motor on with the blistering ‘Futures Lost’ – pummelling listeners with a barrage of incredibly infectious heavy metal! Especially the chorus break – ‘Futures Lost’ a highly sing along-able affair that everyone everywhere will thoroughly enjoy.

The exhilarating pace of the album is sensational, Tailgunner roaring on with the scorching hot ‘New Horizons’ – maintaining the phenomenal sky high head bang ability of ‘Guns For Hire’ (the album). Not to mention the stunning melodious intent – simply superb! The band haven’t put a foot wrong since they formed, delivering a great debut E.P. and an even greater debut album, which marches on with the thundering rampage ‘Warhead’ – and the continuation of the albums breathless pace! When ‘Guns For Hire’ (the album) began, the band firmly pressed the pedal to the metal, not releasing it once, keeping the throttle wide open. So much energy, power and head bang ability – just the ticket for all the worlds mosh pits!

The title song from the bands 2022 E.P. ‘Crashdive’, bristles with electrifying energy, maintaining the incredible infectious level that has stretched from the albums beginning right up to this point! The band seem to have an endless supply of everything required to make a great album, their debut effort a majestic march of melodic heavy metal. Give me more Tailgunner, give me more! And give me more they do – ‘Blood For Blood’. Featuring the iconic Iron Maiden-esque gallop, Tailgunner match the metal legends step for step, the band flawlessly re-creating a forty year old sound. I can just see all the metal traditionalists raising their fists high in the air to salute an absolute corker.

Bringing the album to a close, is the nine minute long ‘Rebirth’ – an epic to challenge the longer album ending epics of the mighty ‘Maiden. ‘Rebirth’ has it all – a meandering and atmospheric intro. a crescendo that explodes into life, a majestic march and tonnes of melodious intent. Tailgunner impressed me last year, and have now impressed me further with their full length album – the band going from strength to strength. And with successful tours under their belts too, Tailgunner are quickly becoming a major force in the worldwide metal scene.

Overall, a barnstorming barrage of infectious and highly head bang-able heavy metal, ‘Guns For Hire’ is a metalheads dream come true.


Shadows Of War  
Guns For Hire  
White Death
Revolution Scream  
Futures Lost  
New Horizons  
Blood For Blood  


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities