TAILGUNNER E.P. Review: “Crashdive”

E.P. Review by Iron Mathew


Tailgunner are a heavy metal band from the UK formed in 2019, releasing their debut E.P. ‘Crashdive’ in 2022.

With legendary bands such as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Helloween setting the blueprint for heavy metal, any new band these days have an incredible legacy to live up to! And in the shape of the British five piece Tailgunner – here is a band that lives up to, and exceeds, that legacy. The band only formed three years ago, yet have taken the stage by storm, with two headline tours of the UK already under their belts. The bands debut E.P. features five red hot songs, all of them insanely infectious and one hundred percent head bang-able. Storming outta the blocks, Tailgunner are quickly into their stride with the traditional metaller ‘Shadows Of War’ – replete with the iconic pace of the legendary NWOBHM. Plant your feet firmly on the monitors and raise your fists high to salute a cracking slice of old school heavy metal…

…and British too! Tailgunner flying the British flag very high – and very proudly. The band increase the pace dramatically for the infectious head banger ‘Guns For Hire’ – scorching the Earth and leaving only devastation in its wake. ‘Guns For Hire’ is one of those breath taking wow moments, encouraging you to stop what ever it is you’re doing, stand up, raise your fists, and head bang like it’s the end of the world! What a glorious gallop of traditional heavy metal – as is ‘White Death’! Another high velocity head banger to get the adrenaline pumping. The speed is incredible, the infectious level off the fucking charts, Tailgunner proving one hundred percent that traditional heavy metal is not dead. Not by a long chalk!

With only five songs on offer, the band only have twenty minutes to make an impression – and boy do they! And an impressive one at that – their reputation preceding them, creating a sky high anticipation level that I have to say, the band have exceeded! Storming on, the E.P. becomes even more melodious than it has been so far – ‘Revolution Scream’ a barnstorming “foot on the monitor” romp of highly head bang-able heavy metal. Tailgunner are full of energy and pizzazz, all topped off with a desire and passion to deliver a brand of metal that is steeped in history with a forty year legacy – thanks largely to the aforementioned Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Helloween. What’s not to say Tailgunner won’t be one of metals leading lights for the next forty years! Bringing the E.P. to a close is the title song ‘Crashdive’, maintaining the incredible infectious level, and oozing energy like its going out of fashion. All five songs on offer have been terrific – and I for one cannot wait for the next Tailgunner release.

Overall, a superb blast of energetic heavy metal, featuring metals traditional classic gallop and foot on the monitor feel.


Shadows Of War
Guns For Hire
White Death
Revolution Scream


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities