Terrifier Album Review: “Weapons Of Thrash Destruction”

Album Review By Iron Mathew


Terrifier are a thrash metal band from Canada forming in 2003 as Skull Hammer, changing their name to Terrifier in 2012 and releasing their debut album ‘Destroyers Of The Faith’ later the same year. A three song E.P. ‘Metal Or Death’ was released in 2013 with the bands second full length album ‘ Weapons Of Thrash Destruction’ released in 2017.

If you’re a fan of old school thrash metal, played at a blinding pace, with levels of energy and intensity exceeding those set by ‘Master Of Puppets’ era Metallica…then ‘Weapons Of Thrash Destruction’ is a must have album. Hailing from the same country as Exciter and Annihilator, Terrifier are setting the world alight with their high velocity thrash metal. Flex your necks metal heads, and prepare to head bang harder than you have ever done before… Frenetic guitar shredding opens the album in a blaze of riffs and thunderous rhythms with ‘Reanimator’ setting an unbelievably quick pace. Annihilator and (eighties era) Metallica led the way with high speed thrash metal, yet Terrifier are taking it to a whole new level. ‘Deceiver’ motors quickly with the twin guitar attack battling each other furiously. Mildly growling vocals blended with a throaty rasp are clear and easy to understand. This is rocket powered thrash metal to get you pumped. Hitting like the proverbial ton of bricks, ‘Nuclear Demolisher’ buzzes like a chainsaw and rattles like a freight train with its guitars screaming out for attention.

Terrifier are terrifyingly quick, yet their skill level as musicians is top notch. The quality of song writing and playing is the stuff that legends are made of. ‘Violent Reprisal’ has a terrific chugging riff to keep your head banging hard, and believe me when I say it will. Can the scorching pace get any quicker? It certainly can, with ‘Skitzoid Embolism’ setting a devastating pace as it pushes the limits of the sound barrier to breaking point. Rampaging and raging, ‘Skitzoid Embolism’ delivers the force of a hurricane with the accuracy of a laser guided missile…it hits the spot, hard. ‘Drunk As Fuck’ has a light hearted outlook but hits hard and heavy with its anthemic vibe and infectious groove. Yep, I did just say groove…the rhythm is one of those that is so addictive and memorable, you will remember it forever. Especially the next time you raise a few beers to honour and celebrate heavy metal music.

With another upturn in speed, ‘Bestial Tyranny’ takes off faster than a fighter jet off to war. Terrfiier have taken all the ingredients of the speed/thrash metal that Metallica and Annihilator created, and added more, lots more, to create a blistering blend of thrash that is so quick that if you blink you will miss two spins of the album… For those that believe in “saving the best until last”, you are in for a treat. Just before the final song though, there is a mellow, acoustic fuelled instrumental allowing you a short breather before the final volley. ‘Riders Of Doom’ builds the tension into a crescendo before crash, bang and wallop … ‘Sect Of The Serpent’ begins its six minutes plus journey with a blistering guitar shred. ‘Sect Of The Serpent’ is an epic, majestic and quite frankly a superb speed/thrash metal song. Played at a high velocity with an intensity unmatched, ‘Sect Of The Serpent’ is furious, frenetic and the quickest song on the album by far. At a little over forty minutes in length, the album is relatively short, but then just look at the quality on offer and the delight on your face as you eagerly reach for the replay button. ‘Weapons Of Thrash Destruction’ is a must have release of 2017 and will ferociously challenge for the title Album of the Year.

Overall, fast and furious speed/thrash metal played at a blistering pace with extremely high levels of energy, intensity and ferocity.


Nuclear Demolisher
Violent Reprisal
Skitzoid Embolism
Drunk As Fuck
Bestial Tyranny
Riders Of Doom
Sect Of The Serpent


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