The Crawling Interview

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The Crawling’s

Stuart (Bass/Backing vocals) talks with Sommer 


The Crawling are a 3 piece Doom Death Metal band from Lisburn, signed to Grindscene Records.

Back in 2014 the band had formed a solid line up, Stuart formed the band, formerly known from death metal legends Severance, Andy known then for fronting ‘Honey For Christ’ for 14 years and Gary whom is still blasting away for Zombiefied.

The collaboration of this band has resulted in a heavy, slow-death ensemble, forged against a backdrop of misery and contempt.

Band Members

Andy Clarke – Guitar/Vocals

Stuart Rainey – Bass/Backing Vocals

Gary Beattie – Drums

Hi Guys, Sommer here from Metal Gods TV! I hope your all well!

Your brand new video ‘The Right To Crawl’ came out on the 8th June which was released exclusively with Overdrive, how are you guys feeling that this is now out there in the public eye?

We’re absolutely delighted that its out there now. For us, we always try and put out material that we feel is of high quality and of course we were interested to see how people would react to it. It always feel like an eternity from completion to release of anything we do so its always a good feeling.

Did you guys have this concept in mind for the video, or was this brought to you as an idea?

This video was actually done by Andrew Pennington from Future PR and Full Scope Films, so everything artistically was left in his capable hands. We knew the location and roughly what he had in mind, but really didn’t know how it was going to look until we saw the finished product.

How do you think this is being received by your fans?

Its all been very positive so far. We’ve had a lot of good reviews as well as great support from our fans as usual. We were lucky that the guys from overdrive wanted to release it exclusively on their site so thats given us an added boost and increased our reach which will hopefully get us some more fans as well.

Can you tell us a little about the production of the video and what went on behind the scenes?

I can tell you that it was shot on an extremely cold and uncomfortable February morning on the shores of Strangford Lough, just outside Belfast. It was a real challenge trying to play in those conditions but I think it added to the bleak feel that we were going for. It certainly focused our minds on the task but was completely worth it in the end.

You guys seem to have taken off rapidly since last year at M2M in Northern Ireland leading you to play Bloodstock, do you feel that this has really helped to push you guys?

Bloodstock M2TM is an amazing vehicle for bands to push themselves forward, both in terms of spreading your music, literally to the masses and the massive amount of media opportunity there is available there. Simon Hall does an incredible job in providing a platform for bands to get their music out there to people who wouldn’t normally get to see you in a live setting. We were also lucky enough to be chosen to play MetalDays festival in Slovenia on the back of it which is a massive opportunity for us. It will be our first show outside the UK or Ireland this year, so its a very exciting time.

Metal seems to be huge in Ireland at the moment, with so many active bands. Do you feel its becoming harder for bands to break off the underground scene and break out onto the festival circuits with so many new bands emerging?

Its really is becoming incredibly difficult. Theres a huge wealth of quality bands in Ireland, North and south at the minute and, but theres a fantastic level of support among us all, which is great.

We have just confirmed gigs in Galway and Cork for later in the year with Ten Ton Slug who played Bloodstock in 2016 as well, plus Na Cruithne are also on the bill for MetalDays in July. We were also lucky enough to be asked to Play Inferno Festival in Oslo, Norway last year so it is possible to get out there . We’ve all been in bands for years so I think that perseverance and trying to keep your output at a reasonably high level is the key.

Your debut album ‘Anatomy of Loss’ came out in April 2017 through Grindscene Records to which both press and fans alike have been won over by this. Were you expecting such a huge response to this?

Im not sure I would say we were expecting it, but we were certainly hoping for it. Obviously you record the music that you like and are happy with, but its very important that your fanbase like it.

We had had a fantastic response to our debut EP “In Light of Dark Days” so we hoped the album would follow and we have been delighted with the reviews and how its selling so far. We have sold copies in Brazil, Japan, Australia, Russia among others which really is incredible .

Your album currently being under the Grindscene Records label, can you tell us how that all came about?

Grindscene Records is actually owned and run by Andy’s brother Peter, so there was a family connection from the start. He has worked with some high profile bands though (Desecration, E.N.T. , Man Must Die, Foetal Juice etc.) so we had to be sure that our music was strong enough or it just simply wouldn’t have happened.

We see that you guys have some tour dates lined up including Metal days in Slovenia in July, with so many amazing artists on the line up you guys must be pretty excited about this?

Yeah, As I said Metal Days is a massive opportunity for us. It has a very international audience which will allow us to spread our particular brand of misery to a completely new live audience. We’ve secured a fantastic slot on the second stage among some bands that we’re massive fans of, and as we’re metal fans first and foremost, it really is our dream to be doing this.

Is there anyone in particular your looking forward to watching when your there? 

Im really looking forward to seeing Venom INC, and Marilyn Manson as Ive never seen them before. I was lucky enough to have caught Batushka in Belfast last month and they blew me away so I want to see them again as well. Ive been getting really into Dool as well recently so hopefully I’ll get to see them as well

Whats next for the band?

We have a lot live shows booked over the next few months with some great bands, including our first London show with Sodomized Cadaver and Strangle Wire. Other than that we are starting to get into the writing phase again for the next album and continuing to try and put ourselves out there as much as possible.

Before we finish up the interview, is there anything you would like to say to your fans/followers?

Id like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has come to see us, bought music or merch from us, reviewed us and continued to support us in everything we do. We never take it for granted!!

Thanks for taking time out to speak to us today guys, much appreciated!

No problem thanks for checking us out.