The Outer Limits Album Review: “Apocalypto”

Album Review By Iron Mathew


The Outer Limits are a thrash metal band from Bulgaria formed in 2008, releasing a demo the following year. The bands debut album ‘World Metal Domination’ was released in 2014 with the follow up ‘Apocalypto’, released in 2017.

Into its stride quickly, the album races off at a furious pace with ‘Outlive The Death’. Echoing the mid eighties thrash metal sound of bands such as (‘Master Of Puppets’ era) Metallica, Flotsam And Jetsam and Exodus, ‘Outlive The Death’ is a pulsating opening salvo to blow away the cobwebs and get your head banging. The furious pace is unrelenting as ‘Outlive The Death’ powers on by. Adopting a more mid tempo pace, ‘Master Of The Flies’ is heavy on the guitars and is a majestic mid tempo stomp. ‘Master Of The Flies’ does swing towards the scorching pace of the opening song, has a screaming guitar solo and the chorus chant “master of the flies” is gonna be a mosh pit hit. ‘Thrashin’ Maniacs’ returns the furious pace to the album and is gonna invoke violent head banging as it rockets on at blistering speed. The guitars are a frenetic buzz as screaming solos hog the limelight, heads a blur as they nod back and forth furiously.

Nine songs on offer is a little light on numbers, however the album does clock in at forty two minutes. And what a forty two minutes they are…frenetic and furious each and every one of them. None more so than the Slayer-like brutality of ‘Coma’. Aggressive and venomous, ‘Coma’ is one of the fastest songs on the album and is a thrash metal masterpiece of raw energy and power. Bulgaria is not a country recognised for its thrash metal prowess, but with The Outer Limits forging a fierce assault on the worldwide thrash metal scene, Bulgaria will soon get noticed. The blistering pace doesn’t let up one iota as ‘Greater Than God’ romps into view and hurtles along at high velocity. The pace of the album is breath taking and will take its toll on your neck muscles if you’re not in top shape for prolonged head banging of the violent nature. Totally driven and focused, The Outer Limits are an exhilarating experience of the old school style thrash metal that was forged in the Bay Area during the early to mid eighties. ‘Back To Yesterday’ introduces a more melodic feel as it strides along and is much more heavy metal orientated than any other song on offer.

The title song ‘Apocalypto’ opens with a riff not too dissimilar to those by Slayer during their meteoric ‘Reign In Blood’ era. Launching head long into the furious pace already set by the album, ‘Apocalypto’ is a fiercely frenetic assault on the senses. The blistering guitar solos are just superb and ‘The Outer Limits’ are delivering an awesome display of head bangingly addictive thrash metal. With its relentless and very heavy guitar chug, ‘Bringer Of Hell’ offers up more of the brutal thrash metal style. Pace and power flow in abundance as ‘Bringer Of Hell’ rockets along. All good things come to an end, and so does this album, but not without one last hurrah… ‘Final Day’ opens with an intro that would be more at home on a melodic hard rock album, building towards the inevitable and expected out and out thrash metal style that The Outer Limits are making all their own. The furious pace of ‘Final Day’ echoes everything that has gone before, to make ‘Apocalypto’ (the album) a relentless and breath taking thrash metal album.

Overall, a furious and frenetic thrash metal assault, both exciting and exhilarating, that will keep you head banging hard from start to finish.


Outlive The Death
Master Of The Flies
Thrashin’ Maniacs
Greater Than God
Back To Yesterday
Bringer Of Hell
Final Day

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.