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E.P. Review by Iron Mathew

Theragon are a power metal band from Spain formed in 2018, releasing their debut album ‘Where The Stories Begin’ in 2020, and debut E.P. ‘Lumina’ in 2024…
…consisting of four songs across twenty one blistering minutes featuring the bands incredible mix of traditional heavy metal with their root power metal sound. Theragon are influenced by the likes of Avantasia, Gloryhammer, and Twilight Force, sitting at the more melodic end of the power metal genre – ‘Heartbound’ launching the E.P. with immediate pace and power. The elegance of the Spanish outfit is never in doubt, ‘Heartbound’ floating effortlessly across the land with an unbelievable majestic swagger – a swagger that blends the traditional metal gallop with the classic European power metal sound.
And after such a head turning opening, Theragon power on with the heavier ‘We All Are One’, retaining the emphatic oomph from ‘Heartbound’ – the level of head bang ability rising higher and higher! Not to mention the melodious intent, rocketing skyward at the most vertical trajectory in history, every listener everywhere rocking their head back and forth, smiling from ear to ear as the E.P. storms on with the six and a half minute long ‘The Bird That Cannot Fly’. And a more mid tempo stride than either of the two previous songs, Theragon striding on with shoulders back and head held high – the elegance of all three songs heard so far higher than the volcano at Teide Peak (on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands). And to be honest, if you listen closely, there are touches of ‘Keeper Of The Seven Keys’ era Helloween sprinkled all over ‘The Bird That Cannot Fly’ – and it’s not just the fact that both song titles are five words long, and contain twenty letters each! Now that’s a spooky coincidence!
And from the spooky to the gorgeous, the band close the E.P. with the most dramatic song on offer – ‘In Valentia’ oozing with a mighty pirate metal feel! Yes readers, the essence of bands such as Alestorm, Pirates Of Metal, Red Rum and pioneering pirate metallers Running Wild is rife throughout ‘In Valentia’ – the hearty aura Theragon have created here is jubilant to the max! So raise your tankards high to salute a belter of a song to round off a belter of an E.P.
Overall, a barrage of barnstorming and highly melodious power metal, ‘Lumina’ E.P. is incredibly infectious and immensely head bang-able.
We All Are One
The Bird That Cannot Fly
In Valentia

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities