TRANSWORLD IDENTITY Album Review: “Seven Worlds”

“Seven Worlds”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Transworld Identity are a hard rock band based in Finland releasing their debut album ‘Seven Worlds’ in 2023…

…featuring eleven feel good, smile inducing, heart warming, infectious and heavy hitting hard rock songs! The band, fronted by the intoxicating voice of lead singer Mila Bosa, are all experienced musicians of the hard rock scene – the band completed by drummer Lacu Lahtinen, guitarist Mika Lamminsivu, keyboardist Juha Kinnunen, and bass player (Juha’s son) Kasperi Kinnunen. The bands debut album is a fantastic full throttle roller coaster of rock, opening with the barnstorming ‘Everything Must Burn’ – and an energy level higher than the sky! The bombastic nature of ‘Everything Must Burn’ is incredible, immediately grabbing your attention and not letting go, the sultry vocals of lead singer Mila pulling gently at my, err, ahem the heart strings! What a voice and what an opener – the band keeping the pedal pressed firmly to the metal and powering on with the even more bombastic ‘Play & Pretend’. And a punchy nature that hits you in the face – hard! The oomph of the opening double has been phenomenal, the band a burst of electricity to shock yet delight!

A simply breathless start, Transworld Identity move swiftly on with ‘I’m Such A Liar’, and a venomous bite not heard over the albums first two songs. The pace and tempo is near heavy metal fare, ‘I’m Such A Liar’ galloping on with the iconic “foot on the monitor” feel of metal. Simply amazing stuff from a band on fucking fire – burning red hot, and scorching the Earth as they storm on with the just as heavy ‘Part Maroon, Part Indigo’. Yet with a melodious intent that’s gonna grab the attentions of both rockers and metallers! The band catering for a very wide audience, an audience that’s gonna crane their necks towards Finland to hear the country’s latest sensational rock export. The impact Transworld Identity have made across just four songs is stunning – the band making it five with the punchy ‘Time’. And a sultry vocal performance to melt the heart – well, mine anyway! The sexy voice of Mila is a standout feature of the album, backed by a seasoned band of musicians performing at the top of their game. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if ‘Seven Worlds’ won the awards for best rock, and best debut album at the end of the year, along with being in strong contention for album of the year!

With all the songs on offer clocking in at around the four minute mark, ‘Seven Worlds’ is a quick paced album of non-stop rock – ‘Starchild’ maintaining the recent punchier nature. The amount of melodious intent Transworld Identity have sewn into the album is phenomenal, the infectious level off the charts, and the sheer sing a long ability reaching heights never before reached! Not to mention the sizzling voice of Mila – a truly seductive tone that hits the sweet spot very hard, pumping blood and adrenaline to the body’s various extremities, raising them high to salute a sensational feeling! The title song ‘Seven Worlds’ features a guitar sound that just arrived from the eighties at eighty-eight miles an hour – the buzzing style prevalent during rock and metal’s formative years. And it’s such a glorious sound that speaks straight to my heart, for (as a lot of readers already know) I was a teenager growing up during the eighties – such a wonderful decade for evolution! And with Transworld Identity taking me back to that evolutionary era, I am truly in dreamland right now, dreaming of…well, that’s for me to know and you to find out! And into party mode we go – ‘In For The Long Haul’ a heavy hitting party anthem with plenty of energy and oomph to make happy bunnies out of every single party goer everywhere! And I really do hope that the band are in for the long haul, cause I for one definitely wanna hear more from Transworld Identity.

And oh my God, ‘Livin’ On The Run’ is as gorgeous as Mila – eargasms flowing like lava down a volcano! And just as red hot too! The melodious intent, the infectious rhythm, the sparkling guitar sound – everything about ‘Livin’ On The Run’ is just perfect. Has there ever been a more perfect song? Well yes obviously – but now there’s a new song to add to the (ever growing) list of perfection – eleven songs actually! And no doubt I’m not the only one in awe of Transworld Identity, the bands debut album tickling every sense in the body and sending shivers down the spine! ‘Never Lost My Faith’ returns the seductive vocal style of earlier, maintaining the albums incredibly high infectious level, and an unbroken run of up tempo and catchy songs – a run that slides into the final furlong with the albums closer ‘Roseate’. And what a closer! With sizzling energy and a bombastic barrage of thunder, ‘Roseate’ is a full on and up tempo gallop of hard rocking hard rock come heavy metal – for most assuredly, back in the eighties Transworld Identity would have been classed as a heavy metal band.

Overall, a barnstorming album of heavy hitting hard rock, one hundred percent infectious and overwhelmingly attractive.


Everything Must Burn
Play & Pretend
I’m Such A Liar
Part Maroon, Part Indigo
Seven Worlds
In For The Long Haul
Livin’ On The Run
Never Lost My Faith

This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities