TRAUMER Album Review: “History”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


TraumeR are a power metal band from Brazil formed in 2009, releasing the three song E.P. ‘Eleazor’ in 2012. The bands first full length album ‘The Great Metal Storm’ was released in 2014, with the follow up ‘Avalon’, a 2016 release. ‘History’ is the bands third studio album and was released in 2019.

Eleven songs across almost sixty minutes is a weighty offering from the Brazilian power metal band TraumeR, getting underway with the two minute, effects laden, instrumental ‘Prelude To Infinity’, launching headlong into the title song ‘History’. Fast paced and furious, ‘History’ (the song) is a melodic gallop that bristles with energy and a catchy sing a long style chorus. Slanting more on the European style of power metal rather than the American, TraumeR are celebrating their ten year anniversary. ‘Lullaby’ is anything but a lullaby – it is a heavy hitting, hard rocking mid to high paced melodic meander. The bands singer has a remarkable similarity to former Helloween singer Michael Kiske, placing TraumeR firmly in the same corner of the power metal genre beside Helloween and their fellow countrymen Gamma Ray and Primal Fear. The melodic march continues at pace with the speedster ‘Guardians Of Time’. Highly energetic and bombastic, ‘Guardians Of Time’ swings from high speed to mid paced as it gallops on by. TraumeR rein in the speed once again with the heavily melodic rocker ‘The Land Of Rising Sun’. Every song so far has been a head nodder and a foot tapper, containing a catchy sing a long style chorus, making this a very attractive offering for those power metal fans who prefer a mid tempo march rather than a high speed gallop.

The production is very crisp, the vocals are clean and clear, with TraumeR delivering a consistent onslaught of heavy rocking power metal. ‘Innocence’ crackles with electrified energy as it thunders on, yet retains the albums overall melodic ambience. The head bangers of the world have the opportunity here to get their heads moving and head bang along to a fast paced offering – and at over six minutes in length, there is plenty of opportunity. More mellow than anything heard so far, ‘Lonely Rain’ glides in, displaying a more traditional heavy metal/hard rock feel than the albums core power metal vibe. Just as catchy as it is infectious, ‘Lonely Rain’ picks up the pace across the chorus break, bringing the power metal vibe back to the fore. Electrifying pace takes over in stunning style as ‘Revolution Has Begun’ launches forth in a blaze of thunder. Fast and furious, ‘Revolution Has Begun’ is a head bangers dream and is a speedster that runs along the border of the speed metal and power metal genres. At two thirds the way through the album, it has been a little frustrating that TraumeR have swung so much from mid paced to high speed – almost like they haven’t quite decided upon their chosen musical direction. Well obviously it’s power metal, in a melodic direction, but for me, just as I begin to head bang I have to rein it in and head nod instead…

…but that said, ‘History’ (the album) is catchy and infectious, with so many memorable hooks and melodies that you will just not be able to stop listening. ‘Seize The Day’ is mid to high tempo, “foot on the monitor” style heavy metal that flies by a little too quickly – not surprising really, as it is the shortest song on offer at just over three minutes in length… ‘Turn Back The Night’ is a pulsating romp of bluff and bluster, swinging from the high speed opening to a mid tempo march of heavy foot stomping, and back to a full tilt pace as it energetically throbs through the chorus break. And for fifty minutes and ten songs, I thought ‘History’ (the album) was gonna be a ballad free zone, but sadly not. The final song on offer ‘Thousand Tears’, is a power ballad to salute with lighters held high, with swaying from side to side the only motion to accompany this mellow melodic amble.

Overall, a melodic march of mid tempo and high paced power metal with a huge amount of catchiness to keep you hooked from start to finish.


Prelude To Infinity
Guardians Of Time
The Land Of Rising Sun
Lonely Rain
Revolution Has Begun
Seize The Day
Turn Back The Night
Thousand Tears

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