TYMO Album Review: “The Art Of A Maniac”

“The Art Of A Maniac”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Tymo are a thrash metal band from Canada formed in 2014 releasing their debut album ‘Purge & Reset’ in 2017. The bands sophomore album ‘The Art Of A Maniac’, emerged in 2022…

…and is harder, faster, and more aggressive than its predecessor. Clocking in at a little over thirty minutes in length, Tymo power through the nine songs on offer with blistering precision. Exploding into life, the album is immediately at high velocity with ‘Tymonicide’, a scorching three minute instrumental that is just beyond phenomenal! The pace, the power, the aggression – all at seriously high levels. ‘Tymonicide’ is one of the best openings to any album I’ve listened to for many a year. And believe me, I’ve listened to a lot of albums, over a lot of years! Think a blend of bands such as Exodus, Municipal Waste, and Cruel Bomb – and you won’t be too far off what ‘Tymonicide’ sounds like. I think the next half hour is gonna be a neck breaker for sure. Without pausing for breath, Tymo power on with ‘Sanity Clause’ – an aggression fuelled, furious tirade of bone breaking thrash. The aggressive vocals are rich with snarl and sneer, and so much menace that there may be soiling among listeners of a more timid nature. But fuck me, what a spectacular opening double!

First single from the album ‘Mars Attacks’, is a thunderous cacophony of flat out thrash. The searing pace coupled with the high level of aggression is gonna send the mosh pits into overdrive, with walls of death forming in every single one! Are your head banging skills good enough to keep up with this blinding pace? No – go sit down! Yes – let’s go… And go we do, with ‘Estrogenocide’ blazing a fiery trail as it whizzes by in a flash. Inspired by the Rick & Morty episode Gazorpazorp, ‘Estrogenocide’ tells the story of “women taking over the Earth and slaughtering all of the men to create a Utopia”. Incidentally, many of Tymo’s song subjects revolve around the adventures Of Rick & Morty – an adult animated science fiction sitcom. The other subjects are themes of destruction and chaos. At just two minutes and forty two seconds, ‘Age Of Deception’ is the shortest song on offer, yet offers a more melodic approach to thrash metal. The kind of melodic approach that bands such as Testament, Death Angel, and countrymen Annihilator deliver in sheer abundance. However, the aggressive vocal snarl is still present, spreading fear and fright with absolute venomosity… err, venomousity… err, okay spell check, you win, venomous intent! Although I think venomosity has more impact.

A second Rick & Morty inspired song, ‘The Roy Parson Project’ takes flight with thunderous intent. Definitely back in the realms of savage styled thrash metal, the band batter the senses with a barrage of brutality that’ll surely end with blood spilt and bones broken! Just how much savagery can one band impact? More, much more! ‘War Beneath The Skull’ a terrifying journey of stomach churning vocals and razor sharp riffs. If the previous song delivered ABH, then ‘War Beneath The Skull’ has gone one better (or worse) and delivered a serious case of GBH. Shall I call the emergency services now…? Or wait ’til the albums finished…? Okay – I’ll wait. Blistering speed sets light to the album as the title song ‘The Art Of A Maniac’ rockets off to heights uncharted! The breath taking pace of the album has been unrelenting and unforgiving, giving the neck muscles of every die hard head banger a serious workout. The longest song on offer at over four and a half minutes in length, is the album closer ‘Alcoholocaust’ – Tymo’s party anthem. So raise your beers and salute a band that have just delivered a terrific thirty minute thrash tsunami. The pace, power, aggression, and menace have all been top notch – I’m off to listen again. See ya!

Overall, a thunderous cacophony of thrash, fuelled by aggression and menace, ‘The Art Of A Maniac’ is terrific.


Sanity Clause
Mars Attacks
Age Of Deception
The Roy Parson Project
War Beneath The Skull
The Art Of A Maniac


This review is the property of Iron Mathew, Frenzy Fire, and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities