VOLSTER Album Review: “Arise”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Volster are a hard rock band from Sweden formed in 2013, releasing their debut album ‘Perfect Storm‘ in 2018. The bands sophomore album ‘Arise’ was released in 2020.

Sweden continue to be a formidable force in the worldwide hard rock/heavy metal scene, with so many great bands releasing so much fantastic music – especially over the last few years. And now one of their more recent exports Volster, have set their sights on a wider musical spectrum with the release of their second album ‘Arise’. The band are still punching hard, but alongside their melodic rock roots, there are now nuances of prog-rock littered throughout the new album. Volster have grown and matured during the two years since their debut – and it shows! Album opener ‘Revolution’ is a heavy hitting and energetic slice of pulsating hard rock. Very infectious and one hundred percent addictive, ‘Revolution’ is a bombastic starter. The title song ‘Arise’ slows the pace a little, increases the oomph, and adds a bit more punch to an already punchy opening double. Volster are rocking hard and doing Sweden proud.

‘Hanging On’ is more mellow and runs the gamut of power ballad territory, conjuring images of lighters held high and arms waving in the air. ‘Hanging On’ is classic rock balladry in the vein of bands such as Bon Jovi, Firehouse, Cinderella and Slaughter. Kicking hard and showing a little of the bands prog-rock direction, ‘Come Undone’ swaggers its way through the heavy rock genre, more akin to Aerosmith than Bon Jovi. Volster may be a European band, but they are definitley displaying many American rock traits with this album. Get those lighters back out and hold them high in salute to ‘Turn The Tide’ – a slumbering, rolling strolling late evening walk along a beach. Volster are producing some great tunes to pass the time on a lazy day when all you wanna do is relax… But relax you won’t be able to do when ‘End Of The World’ comes thumping in. Hard hitting hard rock of the mid tempo variety is what ‘End Of The World’ is all about – playfully slapping you ’round the head. Adding a sprinkling of the sleaze style of rock, ‘Gravity’ is a proud swagger of energetic and catchy hard rock. Volster continuing to push the boundaries of their chosen musical direction, with very good and infectious results.

If you were expecting a ‘Perfect Storm’ part two – you’re in for a little bit of a shock. For ‘Arise’ (the album) has seen Volster arise in a different direction, showing their desire to grow and move on, rather than sit on their laurels and repeat themselves. A blend of their new direction hits home with ‘I Wish’, a meaner brand of rock grabbing you and shaking you, all the while snarling “listen to me”. And listen you will, for this album is an eye opener, oops sorry, ear opener. There’s just so much on offer, it’s gonna take a few listens to appreciate them all. Returning the mellow feel from earlier, but keeping lighters safely tucked away, ‘Follow You’ is anthemic soft rock coupled with AOR. The punchiest offering on the album ‘Sign Of The Times’, sets its sights on belting you around the head, shocking you into submission with its heavy foot stomping rhythm – the band once again moving in a different direction. I think the only direction they haven’t moved in, is into classic rock territory! The energy and oomph with which the album came to life, makes a return in the shape of the hard rocking ‘Highroad’. The chorus is highly infectious and totally smells of party anthem material. Volster end the album in mellow fashion with the lazy like Sunday morning AOR tinged rocker ‘Till The End Of Time’.

Overall, hard hitting and punchy rock, soaked with elements of sleaze and prog-rock – Volster have delivered a wide array of rock songs.


Hanging On
Come Undone
Turn The Tide
End Of The World
I Wish
Follow You
Sign Of The Times
Till The End Of Time


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities