Vulvodynia Live Review

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11TH MAY 2018


Review by Lloyd Parkinson


There is an ever-increasing amount of Slam and Brutal Death Metal out there in the music scene that you could consider the genre to be completed over saturated. The pioneering acts of the genre are still releasing albums whilst the newer bands to the scene churning out albums as well. However, with these newer bands many of them don’t contribute to the creative stir pot. But, thankfully every now and then there are bands that enter the scene like Vulvodynia that create some brilliant yet crushing music. Vulvodynia take their band name from an unexplained medical condition amongst women that is described as a chronic pain around the genital area which is a brutal choice of name but aesthetically brilliant for their choice of music. Hailing all the way from South Africa and a few albums into their ever progressing careers the band are really gaining traction in the International scene and its completely understandable why following their performance at The Boston Music Rooms in London.
The show opened up with Downtempo Deathcore outfit Bound in Fear who delivered a spine crumbling set that sent shockwaves across venue. For the opening band, they had a great turn out and the crowd really engaged with their set. Throughout the performance there was sheer brutality combined with haunting melodies which gave the set a real sense of atmosphere. The guitar tones were piercingly savage but was complemented with some great rhythms which gave the riffs fluidity. Bound in Fear play shows on a regular basis but this one was on another level and proves that they really do mean business and grabbed the attention of the entire crowd.
Next to hit the stage was East Midland’s very own Deathcore quartet Azazel. Their set had an extremely raw sound and feeling to it and was as heavy as Deathcore can get with slight elements of Hardcore thrown into the blender. The majority of the set was made up of brutal instrumentals and low vocal screams that varied in style and sound. The instrumentals shifted from the typical Deathcore chugs and breakdowns into more technical sections combined with Hardcore styled beatdown parts which gave the overall set a varied edge. The following band to destroy The Boston Music Room stage was Brutal Death Metal outfit Placenta Powerfist hailing from Germany. From a creative perspective, the band hit all the technical aspects of the genre but also incorporated some cool tremolo effects which presented them as a band with real technique when performing in a live setting. With the overall dimension of the set the drums really stood out with a real technical and mechanical sound that really complemented the guitars and bass.
The following band and last one to hit the stage before Vulvodynia was Wormhole who came all the way from Baltimore USA for this show and tour. When done the right way Death Metal can create an interchange between Slam, Brutal Death Metal and Technical Death Metal and the result can create enough intensity and force to destroy anything that comes in its way. And the one band that blends these styles without any imperfections is Wormhole. Their set was brutal but creatively impeccable from start to finish. When this band play live its always so surprising how much depth they incorporate into their music by switching between different sub-genres. One minute its full-on Slam and then the next Progressive Death Metal and by doing this made their set so engaging and made it hard to not take your eyes off the stage.
After the previous four bands and as Vulvodynia prepared to start their set there was a real sense that this wasn’t going to be just a crushing Slam set but ultimately a party. And that is exactly what it was. As the band came on stage the crowd were blowing up inflatables, getting out beach balls and every other item you would take to the beach with you. What was made clear is that crowd had been looking forward to this show for a very long time. As the band began to play their stage sound was so full in depth and brutally orgasmic that it was hard to believe they were playing live and that it wasn’t a recording. Throughout the performance, the vocalist also made jokes and witty remarks in-between songs which created a personal connection with the crowd which something you rarely get with this genre. Another cool thing that made this show even better is that it wasn’t really a mosh pit, it was more like everyone just having fun and taking care of one another. The sheer quality of Vulvodynia’s performance really does bolster the fact of why this band are killing it in the scene.
Every single band that played at this event gave their 110% which made the evening extremely enjoyable. They really isn’t a single negative comment to make about the quality of sound, programming or atmosphere. If anything, it was a perfect evening of sheer brutality and insanity.

Vulvodynia 10.15 – 11.00
Wormhole 9.30 – 10.00
Placenta Powerfist 8.45 9.15
Azazel 8.00 – 8.30
Bound in Fear 7.15 – 7.45

This review is the property of Lloyd Parkinson and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.