Warrior Soul Album Review: “Back On The Lash”

Album Review by Dark Juan


Oh, my god. Oh, my good god. Where do I begin? This is an execrable record. Kory Clarke has not managed to move beyond the early 90s. Arguably, he’s got worse with age. The lyrics are painfully banal – it’s reminiscent of the crap you might have heard at Bill Gazzarri’s joint in LA while girls stripped and some washed up, wall-eyed has-been shot himself full of heroin in the corner. Anyway, the faults with this godawful record are manifold – Kory Clarke’s voice reminds me of the drunk man on karaoke in the Cadishead Lion on a Wednesday night attempting to sing like Lemmy. He’s hoarse, off key and ravaged. And massively forward in the mix to an embarrassing degree. No-one can be in any doubt that this is Kory’s band. Not that anyone will care apart from the two teenagers from Detroit who grew up with him and buy into everything he does. The music could be exciting but it is so poorly played it makes me want to smack each and every band member over the head with their own instrument. Hard. Repeatedly.

Quick rock and roll cliché check –

Singer with overblown sense of importance who was big 20 years ago – Check.
Lyrics that could make a misogynist blush – Check.
Singing about drinking and drug taking (it’s not big and it’s not clever, kids!) Embarrassingly frequent for a fifty-something man to be howling about – Check
Disgraceful rip off of Metallica’s seminal riff from Seek and Destroy (on Goin’ Broke Gettin’ High) – Effing check!

There is absolutely nothing to redeem this record. I’m that bored of it I am not going to write any more about it except to order you all to avoid it like the plague, unless you like drug and booze addled 50-somethings with overweening self-importance issues squealing about subjects that even 16 year olds would find childish. I don’t. All filler, no killer and the MOST forgettable record I have heard in years.

Jesus Christ MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!

The Patented Dark Juan Blood Splat Rating System cannot be arsed. It’s a big fat zero. There’s no blood, the police aren’t interested and neither am I.

Warrior Soul are:
Kory Clarke – Vocals
Stevie Pearce – Guitar
Christian Kimmett – Bass


American Idol
I Get Fucked Up
Back On The Lash
Further Decay
Thrill Seeker
Goin’ Broke Gettin’ High (WHY DO BANDS DO THIS? It’s not cool or anything to miss out a G)
Black Out
I’ve Got The Rock
That’s How We Roll


This review is the property of Dark Juan and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.