WITCH BLADE Album Review: “Mansken”

Album Review by Iron Mathew


Witch Blade are a heavy metal band from Sweden formed in 2012 releasing their debut album ‘Oskuldernas Eld’ in 2015, and sophomore album ‘Mansken’ in 2022…

…featuring the bands moody and melancholic approach to heavy metal – the kind of metal that was around during the early eighties when the iconic NWOBHM evolution began with bands such as Angel Witch and Venom. Witch Blade have actually evolved from their debut, now showcasing a sound with a more up tempo and energetic charge of bands such as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Tokyo Blade. Eight songs across thirty two minutes gets underway with the regal sounding intro to ‘Skuggomas Herre’, building a one minute crescendo of sound that breaks into a mid tempo trot. And as if we don’t know already, music is a universal language and it doesn’t really matter what language the band sings in – unless you wanna sing along of course! Witch Blade are singing in their native tongue…I presume…but that doesn’t matter, ‘Skuggomas Herre’ is infectious and catchy, and will grab your attention from the off. Title song ‘Mansken’ has a much more old school feel, the feel of heavy metal in its formative years, when bands such as Samson and Saxon were pounding the stages with mid tempo and head bangingly attractive metal. Time to get your heads rocking, for ‘Mansken’ (the song) demands it.

Picking up energy and roaring on at a scorching pace, ‘Vittrona Kommer’ is a fast paced “foot on the monitor” gallop of all out heavy metal. The head bangers of the world are gonna wake up to this one and start nodding their heads back and forth – vigorously! This is what traditional heavy metal should sound like, ‘Vittrona Kommer’ a very good romp indeed. Maintaining the increased energy level, ‘Hellvetika’ moves swiftly on, echoing the iconic sound of the legendary NWOBHM evolution – the buzzing guitars leading the way with an almighty chugging riff. And with blues style riffing, ‘Vidundrets Kall’ is bouncy, encapsulating a majestic swagger as it struts its stuff, holding its head up high. Witch Blade have had the pedal to the metal since the album began, storming on with enthusiasm and vigour.

At just two and a half minutes in length, ‘Ritual’ is the shortest song on offer, yet still manages to pack a weighty punch – combining all the styles heard so far to deliver a galloping foot on the monitor NWOBHM sounding mid tempo torrent of head bang ability. I’m telling ya…one thing’s for sure – you will be head banging to ‘Manesken’ (the album). Lifting the pace once again, the band storm on with ‘Haxjagama’, proceeding to change gears throughout its entire three minute run time. Witch Blade, while not a retro band, are definitely delivering a NWOBHM inspired album – with metal traditionalists all around the world drooling just a little bit while listening to the bands second offering. Closing the album is the heavier sounding ‘Slavarnus Hamnd’ – along with a tad more menace than heard anywhere else.

Overall, an album of NWOBHM inspired songs, full of energy and pace, and that all infectious “foot on the monitor” feel.


Skuggomas Herre
Vittrona Kommer
Vidundrets Kall
Slavarnas Hamnd


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities