WITCHUNTER Album Review: “Metal Dream”

“Metal Dream”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Witchunter are a heavy metal band from Italy formed in 2007, releasing three albums to date – ‘Crystal Demons’ (2010), ‘Back On The Hunt’ (2016), and ‘Metal Dream’, emerging in 2022…

…featuring ten highly traditional metal based songs over a blistering forty two minutes. Witchunter are unashamedly influenced by the glorious eighties for heavy metal evolution, and are proud to be flying the flag for the sounds of the NWOBHM, European power metal, and the red hot scorching pace of speed metal – the album coming to life with the one minute intro ‘Pre-hell-ude’. Setting an anticipation level that’s off the fucking charts, ‘Pre-hell-ude’ gives way to the title song ‘Metal Dream’. And a fast paced “foot on the monitor” feel that harks back to metals glory days. But did the glory days for metal ever go away? Not in my book they didn’t…

…especially with bands like Witchunter keeping the spirit of the old days well and truly alive. This is not just a dream – it’s a metal dream! The band bounding on with the mid tempo thunder of ‘Black Horror’, bringing to the fore the menace and sinister rumblings of Black Sabbath. Not to mention the heavy doom laden riffing! What a difference between the opening two songs, Witchunter delivering too very distinct, but relatable styles. Pace and power return in emphatic fashion – ‘Rolling Queen’ setting new land speed records as it rockets forth quicker than the ThrustSSC. What an absolute scorcher! Changing down a couple of gears, ‘Devil Preacher’ adopts the iconic pace of traditional metal – and the old school feel of bands such as Saxon and Samson. Witchunter really are purveyors of traditional heavy metal, keeping alive a sound that millions of metal heads absolutely love.

Switching gears once again, the band ramp up the head bang ability for mosh pits everywhere – ‘Crimson Skies’ exceeding the autostrada speed limit as it cruises on by. ‘Metal Dream’ (the album) has been a non stop barrage of breathlessness since it began, the band slowing down for nothing and no-one. So if you’re not onboard with Witchunter’s avalanche of pace and power – get the fuck out! For the band steam ahead at top speed with ‘Legion’, keeping the incredible intensity level unbroken. ‘Legion’ incurring the wrath of the local traffic police – the band losing them in the devastating trail of smoke and fire that billows behind every song they deliver. Simply fantastic stuff from the Italian outfit.

And for the first time, a hint of slowing down – for thirty seconds or so. And then we’re off and rocking hard with the instrumental ‘Space Ritual’, and a continuation of the incredible breathless intensity with which Witchunter are attacking the senses of their worldwide listeners. Are your ears bleeding yet? And oh no, what’s this? Please God no! Not a ballad! A one minute mellow intro leading me to believe we’re landing in ballad country – but hell no! ‘Restless’ changing up through the gears to become one of the fastest and more aggressive songs on offer…stretching its legs and hurtling forward with the intent of an Olympic sprinter going for gold. Witchunter bring their album to a close with the bluesy feel of ‘Hold Back The Flame’ – a bouncy barrage of metal that’s gonna attract many fans of hard rock to the bands music.

Overall, a red hot scorching journey of all out, fast and furious heavy metal, one hundred percent infectious and totally head bang-able.


Metal Dream
Black Horror
Rolling Queen
Devil Preacher
Crimson Skies
Space Ritual
Hold Back The Flame


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities