Category: Features

Defiatory Interview with Metal Gods TV

Iron Mathew caught up with Jon Skare from Defiatory for an email based interview:   Hello, I’m Iron Mathew, pleased to meet you. Tell me, how young were you when you first listened to Heavy Metal? I first heard bands...
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Rivers Of Nihil Interview with Metal Gods TV

Dark Juan caught up with Brody Uttley for an email based interview:   Greetings, gents. I’m the overexcited idiot responsible for your 10/10 review… I’m Dark Juan. Introduce yourselves to the world at large…. I’m assuming you’re not the forbidding...
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Top 5 Upcoming Music Festivals

Top 5 Upcoming Music Festivals By Alex Norwood Summer is the best time for big outdoor festivals and nothing says ‘good time’ like a big rock festival to enjoy with your friends. And there are plenty of venues to choose...
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The Dead Soul Communion pre order

Published on Jun 1, 2017 1st track from the long awaited debut album. Released on 28th July 2017. Pre order the CD today from http://www.deadsoulcommunion.bigcarte… Like us and follow us on… The Communion of Dead Souls Are: Daniel Finch...
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XII Boar win public vote for Best Album of 2016

Congratulations to Xii Boar who won the public vote for Best Album of 2016,“BEYOND THE VALLEY OF TRICLOPS” was heavily voted for, with RSJ running a very close second. Its great that with so many of the so called old guard...
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Rick Parfitt Tribute

Its been a week since we got the sad news that yet another one of our heroes had died and the latest being the aforementioned, Rick. For myself and people of my generation the 45+ brigade! Quo were the band...
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Temtris Interview With Metal Gods TV

Iron Mathew caught up with Temtris for an email-based Interview: Hello, I’m Iron Mathew from the website Metal Gods TV. How are you? Hello Iron Mathew. It’s winter here in Australia, so we are all busy tuning up our live...
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