Motograter Album Review: “Desolation”

Album Review By Stephanie Stevens


For some of you living under a rock MOTOGRATER started out with Ivan Moody and the debut self-titled album was released back in 2003 with the hits SUFFOCATE and DOWN.

This new release DESOLATION is the band’s first full-length album since the 2003 Elektra/No Name self-titled release. Now fronting the band is James Anthony Legion (Deadform/The Breathing Process). With the bands hiatus and some front man changes they are finally a secured and powerful line up with Legion leading and the rest of the band – Matthew “Nuke” Nunes – Guitar, Jesse Stamper – Guitar, Mylon Guy – Bass, Noah “Shark” Robertson – Drums, Dustin “Skunk” Anderson – Motograter, Joey Vice – Smurs/Samples/Vocals giving him the dark metal/rock backdrop he needs for the even mixture of gritty and clean vocals.

DESOLATION is a record that bleeds the blood sweat and tears of the band. Fans who have stuck by them will be appeased by the record. The MOTOGRATER sound is still there; dark, heavy, melodic and the sound uniqueness filters through from start to finish.

PARASITE the band’s first single starts off the disc with this deliverance of heavy drums, dark tones and that aggressive and melodic tones of vocals. This platform single really shows the new era of what MOTOGRATER is bringing to the stage and your ears. The band’s second single DORIAN is climbing the charts and the new video has been getting rave reviews. The song has more of a rock n roll attitude but with dark moments. One track I was a huge fan of was BLEEDING THROUGH, which shows off more of a singing quality and just a simple melody driven track – but yet has a “big sounding” display of dark rock. DAGGERS has a synthesized more electronic vibe to it wrapped into the melodic and moody side of the bands persona. POTRAIT OF DECAY lashes you with a heaviness; I really love the intertwinement of Legion’s brutality and melodic tones in his voice and on this track, it stood out a little more aggressively and it makes the song pop. RISE (THERE WILL BE BLOOD) assaults you with heavy while SHADOWS ends the disc on a pretty and dark melody driven ballad tone.

MOTOGRATER put their heart n soul into this new album and it shows throughout each song. That signature sound is there as we all grew to love, but they really displayed growth n depth in their writing.


Bleeding Through
Portrait of Decay
Rise (There Will Be Blood)

This review is the property of Stephanie Stevens and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.