Shaman’s Harvest Album Review: “Red Hands Black Deeds”

Album Review By Stephanie Stevens


SHAMAN’S HARVEST the rock band from Missouri has outdone themselves yet again with the newest collection of songs on the album RED HANDS BLACK DEEDS.

The album is soulful, funky and has mid-western rock n roll appeal through and through. This album brings more of a darker, grittier and layered sound then the last album but most importantly shows the growth and depth the guys have supplied since the last writing session.

THE COME UP is an upbeat, melody driven and addicting sense of rock. OFF THE TRACKS gives you that country, classic rock vibe with a deliverance of hearty vocal abilities. BLOOD TROPHIES is one of my favorites; sexy groove, clean and soulful vocals; powerful and moving dark attributes. SO LONG brings classic rock with a hefty amount of gritty groove and soulful ambience intertwined with raspy vocals. TUSK AND BONE is probably my favorite heart driven vocals and lyrics. The ballad of all ballads just simple and clean and just so delightfully pretty the guys should really be proud of this track. SCAVENGERS is yet another song that took a hold of my soul. The playfulness of the vocal patterns and the sense of darkness from the simple display of guitar is just phenomenal.

SHAMAN’S HARVEST is a band that doesn’t need any sparkle or glam to them they have the pure talent to strip it down and play as if they have nothing to prove to anyone. That is what makes each new record just a pleasure and asset to have in your music collection by this band because they are bringing the real wholesome rock n roll back to the frontline.


Red Hands Black Deeds (Prelude)
Broken Ones
The Come Up
A Longer View
Soul Crusher
Off The Tracks
Long Way Home
The Devil In Our Wake
Blood Trophies
So Long
Tusk And Bone

This review is the property of Stephanie Stevens and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.