Guardians Of Time Album Review: “Tearing Up The World”

Album Review by Piers Renfree


Guardians of Time are a Power Metal band from Norway who formed in 1997.

Prior to this album, they have released four other albums, “Edge Of Tomorrow” – 2001, “Machines Of Mental Design” – 2004 (which many reviewers called “Thinking man’s metal”), “A Beautiful Atrocity” – 2011 & “Rage And Fire” – 2014, and they have also toured Eastern Europe, played festivals and supported Slipknot. Currently the band’s line-up consists of Brent Fjellestad – vocals, Paul Olsen – guitar, Jonkis – bass and Willy Aaraas – drums.

The album kicks off with Willy Aaraas’ drums, the rest of the band join in while Brent Fjellestad gives an almighty scream and the album’s first song and title track “Tearing Up The World” is under way. This is a fast paced song with a nice driving riff from Paul Olsen and Willy Aaraas pounds his drums with a furious pace. There are guest vocals from ex-Immortal vocalist Abbath. Widdly electronica fades in, guitar and drums crash and the second song of the album “Raise The Eagle” is off, with another driving riff from Paul Olsen. This is a bit slower than the previous song. Brent Fjellestad’s vocals go from mid-range to Rob Halford-esque high range. Like the first song, this has a catchy chorus.

The pace picks up for “We’ll Bring War”, the third song on the album, which is a fast paced song. A fast guitar riff from Paul Olsen introduces “Burning Of Rome” the album’s fourth song. The song slows for the verse, Brent Fjellestad sings over a chugging riff and the song builds up in the bridge for the chorus. We have another nice sing-along chorus and Paul Olsen treats us to a nice guitar solo. Fifth song “Kingdom Come” picks up the pace from the last song.

Willy Aaraas drums introduce the album’s sixth song “Valhalla Awaits”. Jonkis bass joins in with Paul Olsen’s guitar. This is a fast paced song, Brent Fjellestad’s vocals go from low, Death Metal growl to Rob Halford-esque high pitch. Paul Olsen’s guitar crashes with Willy Aaraas’ drums and Willy pulls off a drum roll from each crash a-la Maiden’s “Where Eagles Dare”. Seventh song “Brothers Of The North” is another fast paced song with a sing-along chorus. Paul Olsen’s guitar solo is nice, although short, which leads into the final choruses. The musicians slow the song as it comes towards it’s finish. Eighth song “Light Won’t Shine” is a fast to mid-paced song, introduced by Willy Aaraas drums and a guitar riff from Paul Olsen.

The pace picks up for “As I Burn”, the album’s ninth song. Ex-Judas Priest and ex-Iced Earth (and current Charred Walls Of The Damned) vocalist Tim “Ripper” Owens lends his unmistakeable vocal talents here. This is very Iced Earth in style, has a nice sing-along chorus and should go down well in the live arena. “Drawn In Blood” slows the pace of the album. The tenth song on the album is a mid-paced rocker. Air raid sirens wail, bombs explode and aircraft fly around, then we get a military tattoo drum roll from Willy Aaraas and Paul Olsen’s guitar plays a melodic harmony over the top. The album’s eleventh and final song “Masters We Were” is a fast paced song, with a nice, epic chorus which should be good for crowd participation.

*The Vinyl only bonus track is here for review*

“Empire (live)” This song is slow to mid paced, with Middle Eastern sounding chords. This song is big and epic and has a fantastic instrumental break. This is a great album that the musicians here should be proud of. The songs are well written and the production is crisp and clear.


Tearing Up The World (feat. Abbath)
Raise The Eagle
We’ll Bring War
Burning Of Rome
Kingdom Come
Valhalla Awaits
Brothers Of The North
Light Won’t Shine
As I Burn (feat. Tim Ripper Owens)
Drawn In Blood
Masters We Are

This review is the property of Piers Renfree and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have all of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.