HEXED Album Review: “Pagans Rising”

“Pagans Rising”
Album Review by Iron Mathew


Hexed are a symphonic, progressive metal band from Sweden formed in 2015, releasing their debut album ‘Netherworld’ in 2018, and sophomore album ‘Pagans Rising’ in 2022…

…featuring ten songs across a fifty minute run time – with a phenomenal vocal performance by powerhouse singer Tina Gunnarsson. Hexed mix the sound of traditional heavy metal with soaring female symphonic metal vocals, as well as harsh male death metal vocals. And just for good measure, the band throw in touches of Gothic metal too! I’m telling ya – the sound of Hexed is nothing like anything you’ve heard before…unless (of course) you already know the band. I didn’t, and only heard Gunnarsson’s incredible voice for the first time when she appeared as a guest vocalist on Mantric Momentum’s debut album ‘Trial By Fire’. I was in awe, and immediately went searching for Hexed material, and was overjoyed to discover that the band had only recently released a new album – ‘Pagans Rising’. And what an album it is too…

…coming to life with the bold majestic swagger of the title song ‘Pagans Rising’ – and a powerful rasp by Gunnarsson! Spine tingling or what! The heavy mid tempo thud is head noddingly addictive, and with growly male vocals accompanying the lead female vocals, ‘Pagans Rising’ (the song) has an incredible texture and feel. But then Hexed are from Sweden – a country well known for producing superb metal and rock bands…the legacy stretching back over forty years! Hexed are one of the new breed though, forming during the last decade and making a massive impact. I haven’t listened to their debut album yet, but if it’s half as good as their second, it’s gonna be great. And amazingly, the majesty of ‘Pagans Rising’ (the song) doubles for the faster paced ‘Resurrection’. Switching gears the band plant their foot firmly on the pedal and energetically power on, changing tempo and pace at will – ‘Resurrection’ holding its head high, and very proud. An absolutely barnstorming start to the album – and we’re only a fifth of the way in!

Atmosphere and tension combine perfectly as ‘Stigma Diaboli’ rises to the fore and adopts a mid tempo foot stomp of ground shuddering proportions. All the while maintaining the bands symphonic metal roots. And then ‘Stigma Diaboli’ treads lightly, becoming a ballad like hymn with an angelic vocal performance. And then incredibly, the band turn up the heat and thunder on like a heavy hitting boxing champion – the feel of ‘Stigma Diaboli’ changing as many times as a chameleon changes colour trying to avoid becoming prey! And oh my God, Gunnarsson’s voice – so beautiful, so attractive, so alluring! Mesmerising even – with the music just as infectious. ‘Repentance’ the next barnstormer to take your breath away, the growly male vocals making much more of a contribution here than any other song heard so far. The heavy hitting nature of ‘Repentance’ is gigantic, slapping the sweet spot with devastating accuracy. I really am stunned that I missed this release, but I’m so happy that I’ve caught up now.

And with the red hot scorching thunder fire and brimstone of ‘Incantation’, why would I not be happy! ‘Pagans Rising’ (the album) one of the biggest surprises I’ve heard in years – continuing to amaze and stun, with ‘Incantation’ pulling you under the bands spell! And I know I’ve mentioned Gunnarsson’s voice once or twice before, but I’m gonna mention it again – mesmerising and simply gorgeous. I wonder if she’s single! And it’s also about time I mention the bands progressive metal leanings – every song featuring a sprinkling, tucked neatly under their symphonic metal roots – ‘Prophecy’ a perfect example of everything Hexed have within their arsenal. The band throw the listener a bomb of so many different styles that when it explodes you need to listen very intently to catch each and every one! With the intensity ramped up to sky high levels, ‘Symphony Of Tragedy’ hits the hardest of any song on offer, the symphonic metal feel expanding into the operatic arena, cinematic even, with a surround sound that’s just out of this world! I’m beginning to run out of superlatives to describe ‘Pagans Rising’ (the album) – the music and the singer! Let me delve deeper into my Thesaurus and I’ll be right back.

Okay – I have returned, and am ready to finish my review. The album rolling on with the delectable ‘Blasphemy’, throwing haymakers of the knockout kind, as it stomps forward with a heaviness that makes it the heaviest offering heard so far. And the growly male vocals have become clean too! The band continuing to amaze with a new surprise up their sleeves. Is there nothing this band can’t deliver! I doubt it – and even despite their relative young age, the maturity shown by Hexed is astounding. I guess the old saying “if you’re good enough you’re old enough” rings very true here. Soaring vocals greet the listener as ‘Dark Storm’ glides stealthily into sight, the band creating a hymn-like ballad atmosphere – only for it to explode into pieces with an incredible change of pace, and a superb symphonic power metal swagger takes over. The pace changing, tempo changing ‘Dark Storm’ is also more melodious than any other song heard so far – which, don’t get me wrong, have all been melodious, it’s just that ‘Dark Storm’ is much more so!

And bringing a fabulous album to a close, is the spellbinding ‘Moorfield’ – maintaining the stunning streak of intensity that began fifty minutes ago with the albums title song ‘Pagans Rising’. The band an unrelenting powerhouse of symphonic power metal infused with a mammoth dose of traditional metal. Not to mention the fantastic voice of lead singer Tina Gunnarsson, an immense talent that captures your attention on the very first listen. And boy has she captured mine! ‘Pagans Rising’ is an incredibly infectious album, and for only the third time in eight years writing for Metal Gods TV have I awarded a rating that exceeds the maximum ten out of ten.

Overall, a superb display of symphonic metal, Hexed have surprised, amazed, and astounded with a breath taking array of songs.


Pagans Rising
Stigma Diaboli
Symphony Of Tragedy
Dark Storm


This review is the property of Iron Mathew and Metal Gods TV. It is strictly prohibited to copy any part of this review, unless you have both of the parties’ permission, or are the band/record label/PR company in question. Failure to adhere to these instructions will be considered as Plagiarism and you will be reported to the appropriate authorities